Lori Todd’s Signature Transformational Workshops
These signature transformational workshops are a sampling of the work that we do. Transformational work covers mind, body, emotions, communication, sexuality, health and basically the core of who we are as human beings and as part of a larger world community. Lori Todd’s signature transformational workshops are meant to allow you to discover and breakthrough limiting beliefs in all areas including mind, emotions, sexuality, communications, mastery, abundance, prosperity and leadership.
Inner Game of Money
The Inner Game of Money. Financial success begins with your inner game!
In this one-day experiential seminar you will:
Discover what stands between you and financial prosperity.
Free yourself up to make more money with less effort. Uncover your already existing money blueprint and make it work for you or invent a new one. You will play a game that reveals your relationship with money so that you can have choice.
How can you make money work for you? What is Your Money Personality? How does your money personality impact your personal relationships? Does your relationship with money impact your business success?
The Inner game of Money was very eye opening. I have felt my relationship with money was affected by my emotions but I didn’t realize how far back in life it began. I did not realize how my scarcity could cause scarcity for my husband. I now have open communication with my husband about our finances and my spending habits. We can now have more abundance and security for retirement. Susan Cahoon, Rad Tech, Asheville, NC
I really had fun playing in this workshop. This workshop allowed me to powerfully see how my relationship with money impacts my relationship with others. I no longer tie my self worth to the amount of money I have. I can be free and abundant. Margaret, Marketing, Greensboro, NC
I powerfully examined my beliefs and concepts around money and my relationship with money. It also provided me with the tools to create abundance in every aspect of my life. I can now have a business that prospers. Nan Wilson, ARNP, FL
The Inner Game of Money is a definite do! Spend the money to learn about money so you can make the “money” work for you. I know see how my relationships with people relate to my patterns with money. It is now OK for me to have abundance in money! Teresa Pittman, Public Relations Manager, NC
Life isn’t always about finding the right answers.
Sometimes, it’s about finding the right questions.
Masters are not those who have achieved the status of “all-knowing” or “all-accomplished.” Instead, masters in any
field are those who have learned to not know all the answers but to ask, learn and grow continually.
Mastery requires continual creation. Masters are those who have learned to operate independently from their history and failures, who are fully aware and present in every moment, and who fully experience the world around them. The Masters Course is both rigorous and inspirational, and it presents the philosophical and intellectual foundation upon which all of our workshops are based.
Learn how to live “in the moment.” Develop the fundamentals for creating extraordinary accomplishment
Be a powerful force for your future and for the world
Practical Mastery
Take your Mastery to a deeper level and live it in your live on a daily basis.
The distinctions of Masters are powerful for allowing you to have results in life with ease, clarity and intention. In Practical Mastery optimize your focus and be present in every moment. Learn the practices that optimize your focus, connection, and flow in the moment. Develop your connection to source and to everyone.
Create the space of clarity within so you can be a clean space for your relationships and goals.
A way to live Mastery in an entirely new way.
What Participants Say
Practical Mastery was an incredible opportunity for me to uncover new layers of beliefs that create mischief in my life and just don’t work. I loved the diversity of the exercises. Katie Baird, Business Owner, NC
Practical Mastery has allowed me to be aware of my thoughts and to not be in reaction. I am able to choose instead of react. Gerald Parker, IT, NC
This really put me in touch with my purpose and how to address my fears. Judy Julian, Social Worker, NC
A wonderful journey toward mastery of living an extraordinary life. Bill Spreitzer, Coach and Entrepreneur, NC
Couples Workshop
The Couples Workshop. Create a powerful and visionary partnership. Playfully fight and passionately love. Handle stressful situations with humor and grace. Turn your daily relationship routine into an ongoing adventure. Use your relationship to grow stronger individually. Express your love freely and authentically.
What Participants Say
The Couples workshop was a magical experience. I really opened up a greater possibility for being 100% responsible in my relationship. I also see clearly, the ways in which I’ve sabotaged my relationships and kept them from growing and expanding. From here, it’s possible to powerfully relate to people regardless of what is in front of me. We as a couple now also see how we are collectively a stand in the world with our commitment to one another born out of a greater vision as well as the love we create together. I (and we) now get to generate our relationship moment to moment rather than be a victim to the past. Jordan Deva, Raleigh, NC
Frank and I recently married and I started to settle into what I thought was married life – run of the mill-married life – go to work, come home, have disagreements, frustrations, arguments, and then of course hearing and laughing at the same old jokes. Then came the Couples workshop and I remembered we are not in a fixed relationship. But rather we are always at choice in how we relate to each other. We can also relate to one another from a much larger purpose than just being a couple, but for a reason that includes our commitment to the world. Karen Cole, NC
Through the Couples workshop, I have created a deep, powerful and authentic partnership. We have strengthened who we are as individuals, and who we are as a couple. I have so many new insights and tools to create my relationship to be alive, fun, free and deeply loving moment to moment. I thought I knew my partner so well already and yet I discovered so many new things that are totally priceless. I feel confident that moving forward there will be so many new opportunities to relate to each other that not only makes a huge difference for us but for other people as well. Charlene Edgerton, NC
Emotional Freedom
When you are truly connected to your mind,body, and spirit, you have unparalleled access to your leadership, health, freedom,
and mastery. Create the emotional and mental freedom to accomplish easily, love deeply and be your best. Learn to continually release the residue from life’s heartbreaks, grief, regrets, worries, stress and feeling stuck.
What Participants Say
Emotional Freedom helped me understand why I react to people in certain specific ways based upon my history. I expect to have greater control of my emotional reactions because I am clearer about my responsibility for creating my reactions. Andrew Donadio, Businessman, NC
In this workshop I discovered all the aspects of my life that I had lost, forgotten, or banished, and I discovered that I love all of me. I now have a new relationship with myself and everyone else in my life. I am free to love! I am free to be healthy! Ellen Coates, Public Health, MA
Wild! Healing! True Freedom! I’ve deepened my spirituality. The results I saw in the workshop were truly astonishing. There is no illusion in life that we are all energetically connected and that we are all healers. I can now have deeper and more authentic relationships with my personal family, and business relationships. This can lead to prosperity and health in my physical body. Judy Ordway, Entrepreneur, NC
If the quality and depth of your relationships matter to you and you want to experience power and ownership of how you show up, I strongly recommend you attend this workshop. Frank Cole, Business Owner, NC
This workshop was a well-planned balanced, inspiring and skill-filled opportunity to grow in love and understanding. And did I say it was fun? Margie Grossfield, Retired Teacher, NC
Because of this weekend I have finally given the parts of myself that I don’t like, permission to express themselves, without judgment and guilt. The world gets all of me. Woody Wood, Shop Owner, NC
Feminine Fire
Feminine Fire: An inspiring weekend workshop
What does it mean to be a woman? What roles are important to you?
Create your unique self in regards to leadership, family, purpose and sexuality.
Learn to effectively communicate with other women and empower them.
Access the power of your emotions and your creative force.
Friday night, All-day Saturday and Sunday