When you are truly connected to your mind,body, and spirit, you have unparalleled access to your leadership, health, freedom,
and mastery. Create the emotional and mental freedom to accomplish easily, love deeply and be your best. Learn to continually release the residue from life’s heartbreaks, grief, regrets, worries, stress and feeling stuck.
What Participants Say
Emotional Freedom helped me understand why I react to people in certain specific ways based upon my history. I expect to have greater control of my emotional reactions because I am clearer about my responsibility for creating my reactions. Andrew Donadio, Businessman, NC
In this workshop I discovered all the aspects of my life that I had lost, forgotten, or banished, and I discovered that I love all of me. I now have a new relationship with myself and everyone else in my life. I am free to love! I am free to be healthy! Ellen Coates, Public Health, MA
Wild! Healing! True Freedom! I’ve deepened my spirituality. The results I saw in the workshop were truly astonishing. There is no illusion in life that we are all energetically connected and that we are all healers. I can now have deeper and more authentic relationships with my personal family, and business relationships. This can lead to prosperity and health in my physical body. Judy Ordway, Entrepreneur, NC
If the quality and depth of your relationships matter to you and you want to experience power and ownership of how you show up, I strongly recommend you attend this workshop. Frank Cole, Business Owner, NC
This workshop was a well-planned balanced, inspiring and skill-filled opportunity to grow in love and understanding. And did I say it was fun? Margie Grossfield, Retired Teacher, NC
Because of this weekend I have finally given the parts of myself that I don’t like, permission to express themselves, without judgment and guilt. The world gets all of me. Woody Wood, Shop Owner, NC