About Lori Todd

Dr. Lori Todd is a visionary scientist, transformational coach and trainer, and an artist. She is currently an Industrial Hygiene Consultant and an International Transformational Trainer and Coach. She is a Director of Trainings at WorldLegacy in North Carolina. WorldLegacy offers personal effectiveness and leadership workshops and sponsors large-scale community service projects in the community. Lori leads trainings across the United States, Mexico and Kazakhstan. She has personally trained over 10,000 people, coaching them to develop their unique leadership and communication talents. Lori has developed many unique workshops and coaching tools for coaching corporate executives, high quality trainers and transformational coaches. In her work, Lori challenges people to risk and give like it is their last day and grow like they have forever.

Global Transformation: The Future is in Our Hands

Global Transformation Requires your Authentic Unique SelfWake Up and Remember

It is time for us to wake up and remember the future that we came here to create: a future born of a distinct paradigm. Do you remember the future where you express your authentic unique self, and we are part of the same seamless Universe? A future where we are ONE yet each of us is an irreplaceable unique gift? A future where being our authentic gift provides the oxygen needed to heal humanity, and where we are undeniably connected to each other in mind, heart, body and spirit. If we are to heal our planet, our job is to uniquely shine and simultaneously love ALL of humanity.

From your Ego’s perspective, choosing authentic love is not smart or rational. I am not talking about mushy love or cordial hypocrisy. Authentic love is a commitment to suspend our Ego, and to give deeply to another for the sake of their higher good whatever that may be, regardless of fear or how it feels. The authentic self is willing to stay open to love even when it is dark, scary, or the tide of the drift’s negativity is strong.

 The Ego in Transformation’s Clothing

Waking up to your gorgeous authentic unique self is only a small piece in the puzzle. “Feeling good about yourself” an even smaller piece. If we are to truly transform this planet we need to wake up to our interconnectedness and be willing to be source for ALL of humanity.   On this journey, we need to stay mindful of the Ego’s games and manipulations. The Ego is a covert fellow who can come dressed in Transformation’s clothing, and may look good, smell good, and taste good, but the Ego is closed and separate. The Ego is not open to every living being, and has no desire or ability to come from interconnectedness. The Ego protects and makes wrong. At best, we find a tribe of similar people and separate ourselves from the others who we blame. Our tribe is right and the other tribe wrong, our team wins, and the other team loses. Our consciousness is better than your consciousness.

When Ego is involved, we can feel empathy and connection with our larger community but still isolate and slowly destroy outsiders. We do it to ourselves, our families, at work, at school, on the Internet, in the streets, in wars. Our need to protect our Ego has blinded us; even those of us who say we are transformed. When a tragedy happens do we look to ourselves for causality and compassion for all? Of course not, usually the engine of blame begins. Our relationship isn’t working, we kill it and make it wrong, to justify our choice to leave. Our job isn’t working, we kill it and make it wrong, to justify our choice to leave and find a new one. We righteously make our parents, institutions, teachers, and friends wrong, to justify our choices. We justify being negative and separate, while pretending to be the source of love; and we find others to agree with us.

The work of transformation takes discipline and persistence. If we want to go to the Olympics and win the gold, we need to be rigorous. Instead, some settle for hugs and good feelings and are deluded into believing they are transformed. If only it was that easy! Transformation does not live in a context of wrong making or separation. Hating yourself, blaming others or believing miracles do not exist punctures the seamless fabric of our Connectedness.

Expressing Your Authentic Unique Self

Remember the future that you came here create. The future that has you give your authentic unique self to everyone. The future that has you open your arms with love, compassion and empathy for ALL beings, for the sake of their higher good.

Have you forgotten that we will live or die on this adventure together? The past, present and future exist in our willingness to love through the pain. We get to look into the mirror of our fear of failure, ineffectiveness, need for approval and lack of perfection and see our unique gold and the gold of humanity. We get to forgive others and ourselves for being stupid at times and run by that covert Ego. We get to smile at the Ego that fights to preserve its identity and choose the undeniable love our future requires.

 What if our job during this brief journey in human form is to honor the wondrous seamless Universe we are all connected to, express our authentic unique self to the world and have others express theirs? What if this job is our most vital mission?

Dr. Lori Todd


Predict the Future By Inventing It

Don't Predict the Future - Invent the FutureThe best way to predict the future is to invent it—and we had better start now.

“Aude aliquid dignum” – Latin: “Dare something worthy”

How do you create your future? Do you predict your future based on what’s happened in the past? Have you limited what you imagine about your future to protect yourself from failure? Have your “good ideas” been steeped in a context of “realistic mediocrity?”

A powerful way to “predict your future” is to invent it from a compelling vision big enough to impact Humanity. When you fully commit to your vision and step into Visionary Leadership, then every fiber of your being and all your actions are magical expressions of that vision. As a visionary leader, who you are is created from your vision, and that you, in turn, manifests your vision.

A vision goes beyond a “good idea” by not only the unprecedented nature of the vision but the commitment of the person articulating it. When a visionary leader speaks, our listening is based on our trust in their credibility. When Steve Jobs spoke, people listened. When Warren Buffet speaks, people listen. When you speak, do people listen?

Vision touches, moves and inspires people and engages them to act. When Kennedy said in 1962, “The time has now come to send a man to the moon and return him safely again,” the needed fuel had not even been invented yet! And then, launched by his Visionary Leadership, in 1969 a man stepped on the moon. Vision is pure possibility with no need for historical evidence to support it. It is in the realm of the impossible; in other words, expect miracles.

Children are brilliantly optimistic about possibility. Unfortunately, we turn our children into adults who become “realistic” and fight for no possibility. As adults, we want to avoid the risk of a Vision and seek the protection of certainty. But, certainty is an illusion, and it is the feast where our EGOs and protection dine.

Do you talk about doing things rather than making them happen? Are you always getting ready to get started? Or, do you commit yourself in spite of your doubts and Ego? Do you live unstopped by obstacles and unfazed by other’s opinions?

Dream big. Risk boldly. Create a compelling vision worth living into. Be willing to fail. Expect miracles. Be unreasonable. Have it matter that you lived.

“An individual has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow horizons of his particular individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. Every person must decide, at some point, whether they will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others? – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Lori Todd


If You’re Angry And You Know It Clap Your Hands!

Full self expression and happiness includes being angryPositive psychology tells us happiness generally comes to those who practice kindness, gratitude and living in the moment. However, we can end up feeling like we need to be happy all of the time. If you believe that happiness is the “normal” state, the “right” state, suddenly you can be faced with an interesting problem.

What if I’m not happy? What does that mean?
Is something wrong with me? Am I sick, bad, or deficient?
I should be happy. NOT.

New studies say long-term happiness comes from allowing ourselves to be angry (and a full spectrum of other emotions). To be authentic, successful and in integrity, we get to let ourselves feel emotions appropriate to any situation—whether or not they are pleasant in the moment. Anger in the moment is different than holding on to resentment, guilt, blame, victim, or hate. Experiencing anger is not the same as holding on to it and then using it and becoming it to justify a belief. Anger is a basic human emotion. Anger can lead to positive change and can provide a great opportunity for personal insight.

Give yourself permission to have flexibility and access to full self-expression, like a child. Different situations call for different emotions, and responding with what is called for is healthier than making sure you respond happy, happy, happy. People who value happiness to an extreme are not necessarily happier than others.

Emotions come and emotions go. WAAA. Emotions are like farts, pass them, hear them, smell them, and walk away from the cloud you created. WAAA. Feel it Baby!

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