About Lori Todd

Dr. Lori Todd is a visionary scientist, transformational coach and trainer, and an artist. She is currently an Industrial Hygiene Consultant and an International Transformational Trainer and Coach. She is a Director of Trainings at WorldLegacy in North Carolina. WorldLegacy offers personal effectiveness and leadership workshops and sponsors large-scale community service projects in the community. Lori leads trainings across the United States, Mexico and Kazakhstan. She has personally trained over 10,000 people, coaching them to develop their unique leadership and communication talents. Lori has developed many unique workshops and coaching tools for coaching corporate executives, high quality trainers and transformational coaches. In her work, Lori challenges people to risk and give like it is their last day and grow like they have forever.

Whatever you do: Don’t be poor and go to jail

Dr. Lori Todd - FaithMost people in jail in the U.S. have not been convicted of any crime, they are legally presumed innocent. Sixty to 75% of them are awaiting trial in pretrial detention. This wait can be from a few months to over a year.
– Why are they still in jail waiting for resolution of their case? They are too poor to post bail. Bail amounts keep going up, and research has shown that the bail system is totally unrelated to keeping the public safe.
– What can happen to these people? They sit in jail, lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their children, and they can lose their souls. And their children lose their parents and innocence as well.
– Yes I know they are responsible for their lives and where they are. But the system, the way it is configured, only creates more damage to humanity. And by the way, we pick up the tab.

This poem is from a woman I know who has been waiting in jail for her trial, for over eight months, to prove her innocence. It looks like it will be another four months. So much for a speedy trial. She says that the way to get out quickly is to say you are guilty and cop a plea.

She has lost many things and people as she stands that she is innocent. However, the one thing she hasn’t lost is her ability to be the source of her interpretations. Viktor E. Frankl said “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing – the last of all human freedoms – is the freedom to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Faith is …
To believe when there is no answer
To see purpose in the tragic
To keep your vision, even in darkness
To always envision possibility

To endure as pain demands
To accept unwanted loss
To affirm life fully
To feel, not die

To see treasures in each moment of being
To shut all doors of despair
To unite all the broken pieces of life
To dare to live again

– Angel, Day 280

Leaders Declare the Impossible

Dr. Lori ToddLeaders Declare the Impossible and Make It Possible

Making and Managing Promises Leaders make powerful promises from their vision, from outside their historical box. Leaders don’t wake up in the morning and say; “The sun is going to rise in the east!” Of course the sun is going to rise in the east. Leaders wake up in the morning and declare a man on the moon, the end of world hunger, 100% literacy, and equality for all. The power of a promise is that it brings a possibility into existence that was currently not in existence. A promise is what will tangibly occur within a specified time frame. A transformational promise is outside the box and is the first step in the manifestation of a vision. Leaders then take action consistent with the promise and stand responsible for the ways of being actions and results. Leaders declare the impossible and make it possible.

Most people do not make a promise. Most people say, “I’ll do the best I can. I’ll get the highest raise I can. I’ll be a little more open. I’ll try to go to the gym this week. I’ll try to have a date.” When a leader makes a promise, the leader is putting his or her butt on the line. When the time frame for the promise is complete, if you have the promise you can celebrate all that worked, and learn from all that didn’t work or from what was missing. If you do not have the promise you can celebrate all that worked, and learn from all that didn’t work or from what was missing. What didn’t work is something that was done that you would want to not do again, what was missing is something that can be added next time. With a benchmark called a promise, we can quickly learn and grow and cause magnificence. There is always growth when someone reinvents himself or herself even without the result happening. Leaders do not always achieve their promises. When leaders play 100%, they may not always have it happen. Michael Jordan only makes 50% of his shots. His intention is 100%. Do not assign meaning to the result not happening. Once the results are completed and the space is clear, there is space for a vision to be re-created and new promises to be evoked.

Leaders lead from their vision and manage their ways of being and actions from promises. Make powerful bold promises from vision and make powerful coaching requests from vision. Live your promises with unwavering intention. A promise needs to be specific, measurable and stretchy. It gets to be exciting, juicy and currently not possible from your historical box. There is no formula to have this happen.

The first step in inventing a future is to make a promise about the future. This is a promise about something outside of the box, outside of guarantee. This is not a “I want, hope, wish, would like, this to happen.” This is a bold promise of commitment. This requires courage and intention. Leaders stand as if the promise is a done deal and is accomplished. You need to live your word to have it happen. That means you do not gesture at the promise; you put every thing into place, as much as possible, ensuring that it happens. Vision and promises call us forth and determine where we come from. We are not getting to the future. We are not trying to achieve a goal. We are coming from the invented future, now.

The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly – Cecil B. DeMille


Steps to Creating an Unprecedented Future

Unprecedented Future Dr Lori ToddSteps to Being Successful and Creating an Unprecedented Future
Envision it -> Big Promises -> Big Requests -> Make It Happen

1. Envision it: What do you really want? What is your vision?
2. Big Promises: What is the tangible manifestation of your vision? Invent a new place to operate from by making bold promises and then embodying the promise. Interact in the world by standing in this promise and allowing yourself to engage with forces both seen and unseen in an entirely new way.
3. Unconditional Commitment to Make It Happen. Be willing to risk everything. Operate without any guarantee. Be willing to “go for it anyway” and be committed, even though the odds of failing are high. If the odds of failing are low, you are not operating in the arena of an unprecedented future. “I have no guarantee, I make my commitment my guarantee.”

4. Set a powerful intention and Be The Source. Own your “unprecedented future.” Own that you are the Chessboard upon which all pieces play. You are not a pawn. Own that you are the writer, director and producer of this magnificent production. You are the Source. Get out of the way and allow the universe to support you.
5. Make Big Requests. A request could be for a coach to support you, for a $100,000 donation, for someone to enroll in the Journey. As a leader, you seek a committed response from a person who has the authority to deliver on that commitment. If you don’t think you need to make requests, if you don’t think you need to ask anybody for anything, you are playing a very small game. If you don’t use powerful coaches, you are playing a small game. You are also playing a small game if you only make requests you think will be accepted.
6. Be a space for Authentic YES’s or Authentically NO’s. What allows people to authentically say YES is that they have the authentic opportunity to say NO. With the freedom to say NO, both people are empowered. If you don’t let people say NO they have no space to say YES. Once you integrate into your way of being the knowledge that anyone can say NO, you will be transformed. You will begin to make bold requests, which may be a huge departure from your previous way of operating.

It doesn’t matter whether people say YES or NO. A clear request and answer moves your promises closer to manifestation. Yes-buts, maybe, I’ll think about it, I’ll call you sometime, etc. stalls the process. A NO is committed action. A NO moves things forward because it is clear without the fog of interpretation. A NO may bring issues to the surface and gives you the chance to clearly move on to what is next.

Break the cycle of your addiction to interpretations. There are no shoulds, shouldn’ts, rights or wrongs. You are inventing this future. When there is a breakdown, obstacle or NO, distinguish “what happened” from your “interpretation” of what happened. It’s important to remember that you made a commitment to “have it happen”, not to “have it happen by looking a certain way.”
Make corrections along the way. Make it Happen!

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