About Lori Todd

Dr. Lori Todd is a visionary scientist, transformational coach and trainer, and an artist. She is currently an Industrial Hygiene Consultant and an International Transformational Trainer and Coach. She is a Director of Trainings at WorldLegacy in North Carolina. WorldLegacy offers personal effectiveness and leadership workshops and sponsors large-scale community service projects in the community. Lori leads trainings across the United States, Mexico and Kazakhstan. She has personally trained over 10,000 people, coaching them to develop their unique leadership and communication talents. Lori has developed many unique workshops and coaching tools for coaching corporate executives, high quality trainers and transformational coaches. In her work, Lori challenges people to risk and give like it is their last day and grow like they have forever.

Dr. Lori Todd: Stand on the Skinny Branches

Dr. Lori Todd - Dance on the skinny branches

Dance on the skinny branches

Dr. Lori Todd: Stand on the Skinny Branches

Dance on the skinny branches.
Invite people to dance with you.

When you invite people to stand on the skinny branches with you, it is really a metaphor for you inviting people to stand with you for transformation in the world. You are inviting people to live distinctions of responsibility, oneness, integrity and love. You are inviting people to see the world through new glasses. Imagine standing with a team of people who are agents of change. Risky business.

“Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.” Erich Fromm

“In thus giving of his life, he enriches the other person, he enhances the other’s sense of aliveness by enhancing his own sense of aliveness. He does not give in order to receive; giving is in itself exquisite joy. Giving makes the other person a giver also and they both share in the joy of what they have brought to life. In the act of giving something is born, and both persons involved are grateful for the life that is born for both of them.” Erich Fromm

There are people around the world standing for transformation.  Today I acknowledge the graduates of WorldLegacy, who stand for peace and a world that works.


Ho’oponopono: Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual

Ho'oponoponoHo’oponopono: The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual
Sometimes things happen in life that we can feel blindsided by and do not fit in any box that is easily explained. Sometimes the pain is deep and hard to shake. Here is one simple method that has helped me lately get centered and connected back to the unexplainable universe. Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual
You focus on the person in your mind and in your mind say the words.
I am sorry. Please Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
I am sorry
(I no longer reject the problem. We are both free)
Please forgive me
(Please forgive me, or my past for consciously or unconsciously disturbed you and me in the course of our evolution. Please forgive me for having judged you (or the situation), and in the past disregarded our connectedness.)
I love you
(I love you and myself unconditionally with all our weaknesses and faults.)
Thank you
(Thank you, for I understand that the miracle is already underway. Through the power of forgiveness, I am now freed from the energetic chains of the past. I am Source)


What Are You Resistant To?

Dr. Lori Todd asks, What are you resistant to?What are you resistant to?

Resistance sucks the life out of your transformation.
When you experience Resistance – choose Surrender.
Surrender is a courageous act that fuels transformation.
Surrender is not the cultural definition of defeat.

It’s your Ego’s maneuver against growth and change.
It’s your Ego’s desire for control and is a defensive stance.
Resistance seeks to maintain the familiar and comfortable.
Under the hood is resignation, defeat and passivity.


Surrender chooses what is rather than what one wishes, wants, likes, dislikes or expects.
Surrender is a choice toward growth and transformation.
Your authentic self wants to let go of control and be free.
Surrender is liberation, expansion and the letting down of barriers.
Under the hood is trust, flow and vibrancy.

What you resist, persists.

Dr. Lori Todd

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